Microservices in the Google Cloud with Docker and Firebase: A Hands-on Workshop
What to expect:In this code-along experience, Roman Jaquez, Google Certified Cloud Architect and Flutter GDE will guide us through a hands-on workshop in which we’ll dive into the Google Cloud and build micro-services using Docker containers, backed by data, powered by Firebase Cloud Firestore, tackling a fictitious e-commerce site.Learning Objectives:In a matter of minutes, you’ll become familiar with building Docker containers to build a micro-services architecture in the Google Cloud while learning the following:
- Learn about microservices as a way to structure an application as a collection of services that are:
- highly maintainable and testable
- loosely coupled
- independently deployable
- organized around business capabilities
- owned by a small team.
You will also learn:
- Learn about micro-frontends, and how the micro-services concept extends to the front-end world to build more resilient, feature-rich,
- Learn about containers and why they are not just a hype word in the tech industry, but a great way to package your applications so they can be easily deployed, while making your code highly portable and using computing resources more efficiently
- Learn how to build and run Docker containers in the Google Cloud via the Google Cloud Shell, an interactive, web-based admin tool through which you can manage your cloud resources
- Learn about Firebase Cloud Firestore, a no-sql, document and collection-based, scalable and server-less cloud Database, with automatic multi-region data replication for high availability, strong consistency, atomic batch operations and real-time transaction support.
No installation required!
We’ll use the Google Cloud Console, the Firebase Console and the Google Cloud Shell, and leverage Google infrastructure FOR FREE to complete this hands-on workshop.